Human Trafficking Intervention and Prevention Supports (HIPS)
To connect human traffcking survivors to resources and supports
Human Trafficking Intervention and Prevention Supports (HIPS)
Survivors will be connected to resources and supports; and the number of survivors we support annually will increase.
Human Trafficking Intervention & Prevention Supports (HIPS)
HFC supports the provision of a full time Human Trafficking Crisis Intervention Counsellor at VSDR to ensure all human trafficking survivors are connected to trauma-informed resources and supports.
Caregiver Support Program
The program provides support to caregivers, typically mothers, to strengthen their ability to support their child(ren) in trauma therapy.
Brighter Days Indigenous Wellness Program, Child Abuse Module
The program focuses on healthy relationships between adults and children that would raise awareness of what abuse is, how to avoid it, how to help a friend, and how to contact Kids Help Phone or other quality support services for help. Through the program, Indigenous youth in the GTA (ages 8-29) will learn how to recognize signs of abuse and how to avoid it.
Say No More
The project aims at increasing knowledge and changing behavior of the youth in care, and increasing knowledge and skills of the group home staff in identifying and responding to trafficking.
Keep Vulnerable Aboriginal Children In Toronto Connected and Safe
A community-based response to COVID-19 which includes one 6-month grant for 2020-2021 grant year
COVID-19 HT Response & Supporting Parents in the Ending Child Trafficking (SPECT)
*Includes two 6-month periods for 2020-2021 grant year